OJSC SPA «Burovaya technika»

Information on important facts

2004 year
2005 year
2006 year
ñêà÷àòü ôàéë
Information on the decisions of general meetings
From March 6, 2006
(130,52 kb)
2007 year
2008 year
ñêà÷àòü ôàéë
Information on the decisions of general meetings
From June 27, 2008
(108,5 kb)
2009 year
ñêà÷àòü ôàéë
Information on the decisions of general meetings
From March 26, 2009
(51,88 kb)
ñêà÷àòü ôàéë
Information on the decisions of general meetings
From July 10, 2009
(129,18 kb)
2010 year
ñêà÷àòü ôàéë
Information on the decisions of general meetings
From June 30, 2010
(156,51 kb)